11 Tips for Managing Your Brand Realize that you are a brand. Many of us don’t think of ourselves as a “brand” but we are. Take the time to really think about your brand or what you want your brand to be. What’s your brand saying to others? What do you...
10 Ways to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset 1. Give yourself permission to THINK BIG. I love hanging with entrepreneurially-minded people because they THINK BIG. It comes naturally to them and it’s contagious! When I encourage clients to think BIG, they immediately...
Fast Track Business Growth Are you ready to grow your business this year? I am and I‘d love to hear how you are doing it! Below are some of the tactics I’ve put into practice (or that I’m in the process of making happen) in order to make this year my #bestyearever.Get...
Be a Champion of Brilliance Brilliance: exceptional talent or intelligenceI truly believe every human being on the planet has an area of brilliance—an area of exceptional talent or intelligence. And I believe it’s MY job, my responsibility, to help champion brilliance...
11 Ways to Build a GROWTH Mindset Decide the Decision. Making a decision to GROW is the first and biggest step. Once we make the decision to GROW, our mindset changes. I watch clients over and over again struggle with this decision, but once they decide that they’re...
Is It Time to GROW Your Business? I work with seasoned business owners who want to GROW, and who are GROWING their businesses every day. GROWTH is fun. It’s exciting to watch business owners take their companies in new directions, add new products and services, or...