

The act of business growth

Nu•yar is a no-nonsense business consulting company uniquely focused on growth. Our mission is to help committed business owners and executive teams clarify purpose, execute strategy, and overcome challenges in order to achieve successful, long-term growth and impact the world around them.

Nu•yar helps companies bust through revenue plateaus, improve systems and processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness, and execute visionary strategic plans. Hands-on and fully engaged, we work closely with business owners, becoming an extension of their leadership team—an energetic ally and trusted partner. 

Michelle Neujahr, MBA

Owner + Lead Consultant

A contagiously positive straight talker, Michelle Neujahr is an energetic entrepreneur and brass-tacks businessperson. Serious about helping businesses grow, she brings a depth and breadth of real business experience to each one of her clients—whether a small business owner or a multi-million dollar corporation.

For Michelle, growth is about creativity, accountability, and strategy. She knows how to get her clients there because she’s done it herself.


Before starting nu•yar, Michelle owned a seven-figure, Minnesota-based renovation firm. She has spent time in the corporate world as a director of sales and marketing, and she co-led a business growth group for the Small Business Association called ScaleUp. There, she helped mid-sized companies through the steps necessary to scale up their business. Today, Michelle also serves as an Associate Professor of Business at Southern Maine Community College, where she teaches entrepreneurship and marketing.

Michelle is a wife, mother of three, grandmother of two, entrepreneur at heart and a lover of chocolate. She’s also a genuine connector of people and ideas and a tireless advocate for her clients. Michelle has the unique ability to help business owners feel more comfortable in who they are and what they are trying to do by helping them create, implement, and maintain successful strategies for growth.

Brittni Nowinski


Eager to learn, hard-working and dependable, Brittni Nowinski brings enthusiasm and creativity to her work at nu•yar. A graduate of the University of Southern Maine with a BA in communications and a minor in public relations, Brittni manages the company’s digital marketing strategy and various administrative needs.

Brittni ensures nu•yar’s social media presence is relevant and remarkable. With a knack for writing, editing, organizing, and attention to detail, Brittni can keep her boss (and mother), Michelle, in line and on target. Plus, her positivity, kindness, and bubbly personality make her a joy to be around. 

Whether she’s posting on social media, digging into research, or taking notes, Brittni’s commitment to nu•yar shines through. She sees endless possibilities for the future of the company.

Our Values 


Maintaining a decorum based on objectively analyzing a business’s strengths and weaknesses, not those of the people who work there.


Leaps of faith are easier to take when trust has been established.
We believe in forging lasting relationships with clients.


A commitment to seeing strategies through is paramount to success.
If goals are not met, re-evaluation is in order.


We will guide clients through uncomfortable or difficult decisions to
reach success, and do so with enthusiastic and unwavering support.


“As a single practitioner, Michelle helped me clarify my focus and put emphasis on the most important things: client service, practice efficiency, and acquisition. She helped my assistant and I define roles and best practices. All this resulting in the growth of my practice in a smart way and set me up on the path to joining a high-functioning team.”


Susan P, Wealth Management Adviser


“She is on point and has a calm and effective way of guiding business owners in the right direction. We are thrilled with the results of our work with Michelle and would highly recommend her to any entrepreneur looking to overhaul or strategically grow their company.”


Peter Floeckher, North by East


“Michelle keeps us focused, grounded, and pushes us to always get better, stronger, more successful. Her advice is practical and savvy, and we see tangible results from her counsel. Over the course of our work with Michelle (3 years now), we have seen our revenue quadruple and our personnel expand from just two owners to a talented team of five employees.”


Jennie Malloy and Aimee Goodwin, The Brand Collective

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PO Box 11436
Portland, ME 04104